The Homosexuals Are Everywhere

roy moore will destroy the homosexuals, with his bare hands if need be

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the masons

i received the following email from the masons yesterday:
from: the masons
to: pastor john

Actually John, or should I say Mr. Newville? We are watching you. Perhaps you've forgotten that every single president ever elected has been a member of our organization. We've been in close contact with Mr. Bush, and he has assured us that the NSA can keep a close eye on you for us. We are thrilled to see that you and your "associates" are able to spend so much time on the Internet. It makes things so much easier for us. Glad to see that the measures we've taken are working.

By the way, did you enjoy your breakfast?
i knew it all along. george bush is controlled by the masons. that explains his outright advocacy for the homosexual agenda.

Monday, February 13, 2006

we must destroy hud

hud grants are being used to open up methadone clinics in the rural areas and bath houses in our inner cities. naturally, this spreads aids and filthy needles, as well as hiv.

last year, president bush has rightfully proposed to send hud back to hell. his proposal was rejected, and several people were wounded.

hud offers free day care to their employees. pure socialism. the government shouldn't be helping anyone in any way what so ever, and if they do, it's socialism. the government is the problem, much like the chinese people were the problem when they brought over that plague that killed the chestnuts.

i once applied for a hud grant. the grant would have build a listening station that would focus lazer beams at every unitarian church on the east coast. they rejected my proposal and sometimes i see men in dark cloaks following me late at night.

liberal media strikes again

just look at cnn right now.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

flags attacking my blog

liberal communist flags are attacking my blog. i had never heard this term before but i'm assuming that it means homosexual. and i'm assuming that they are trying to tempt me with their feminine wiles and their "flagging". i will not be tempted. i took my pills today and i won't let it happen.


i've been shot in the leg with a cross bow and i still managed to drag my bloody leg up my stairs to the portable phone and report my illegal immigrant lawnkeeper to the feds.

i am not afraid. i am very strong. i am a peaceful person and the peace of the lord is inside of me. your threats of violence will not phase me or stop me from spreading my message of the lord's love. i will carry on and continue to exercise my freedom of speech in a peaceful way. if you try to stop me, i will report you to the local unitarian church.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


bob riley wanted to raise taxes to give to teachers, but did you know that teachers unions are largely controlled by the masons?

currently, the goals of the homosexual lobby include trying to insert homosexual erotocism in school plays, and the teachers are going along with this. why do you think gym teachers make students climb the rope? it all fits together.

bob riley's tax increase would have cleared the way for fullscale man-boy love in schools, as teachers would have used their raises to bribe parents into allowing their children to be kept in cages and covered in peanut oil during detentions.

i own a crowbar

open thread:

if a homosexual ever hit on your, what would you do?

a) hit him with a crowbar
b) kidnap his parents and read the bible to them
c) commit various random acts of arson

we must not forget

we must not forget the $1.2 billion tax increase that bob riley tried to shove down our throats. we must never forget.

we must scream horrible things into the midnight air until our neighbors wake up. we must shake them until they are screaming with us. then we must spray our garden hoses onto the streets until they are covered in ice and the schools are forced to close so that all students will be homeschooled and learn from the good book instead of from textbooks written by playboy, penthouse, and michael eisner.

we must never forget.

Friday, February 10, 2006

i'm not some hick

i originally wanted to ignore all of the negative comments from anti-christian homosexual left wing nutcases. and then i wanted to delete them but then they kept coming back. so i'll leave them be. my mother used to tell me to ignore things, and, bless her heart, she's burning in a special hell for christian scientists right now. she ignored a case of athelete's foot and after 15 years it spread up her leg to her liver and then to her heart.

2000 hits

my computer tells me that this blog has now had 2000 hits, although it won't tell me if the hits were mainly from homosexuals plotting to kill me. i guess technology has only advanced so far. i'm not sure who is coming here, but i'm glad the message is getting out to the american people: the homosexuals must be stopped.

i used to lose sleep at night over the fear of drag queens breaking into my house and attacking me, but now i don't fear anything. i've been shot at, threatened, and trailed by 45 government agents for a period of 7 years. the atf flies at least 2 planes over my house every day. my neighborhood is filled will homosexuals and several immigrants.

i find that writing this blog helps with my horrible arthritis. my arms are sore, i think from the beatings that my father gave me. sometimes he tied me to the back of his pickup truck and drove it around the yard in figure 8's at 25 mph if i didn't read my bible. bless his heart. he's in heaven now.

it helps to get the word out on the internet, because lord knows there are enough homosexual sites out there to counterbalance this one. and if it's not the homosexuals, then it's the transexuals, the nancies, the dwarfs, the whiny minorities, the grabassers, the communist prostitute rings, the perverts, or the dock monkey unionistas.

my will

i would like to be covered in plaster, and sit in a big dish with water over my head.

bob riley possessed by demons or paid by the masons?

either way, this picture has obviously been created using some sort of which craft or perhaps illegal immigrant labor:

my hand hurts. today i caught it in the spokes of my neighbors child's bike while trying to dislodge him from it for worshipping demons.

the commies are threatening me

if you did not believe what i said about the freaks trying to shut me down, read what alabama moderate said about me:
Anyone who calls themselves "pastor" and spews hate... Doesn't even bother to quote the Word of God, which is the foundation of the Christian faith... Well, you see what I'm getting at.

The little toad (or should I say, "TROLL") went to a lot of trouble last night to post on several local blogs and set up his own blog. Apparently, he's not aware of the flagging process and the little paragraph regarding hate speech. Most pastors I know are very well educated, and hardly this dense.

Anyone else get the impression that this guy is just some 14-year-old brat?
this person is obviously being influenced by a transexual warlock.

we must boycott bed bath and beyond and red lobster

bed bath and beyond must be stoppped

this company doesn't discriminate against homosexuals. nothing surprising there. many businesses are cowed by the liberal media into tolerating homosexual employees who send 5% of every check to nambla. but this company knows what they're doing. it's a big homosexual hangout, and you know why? it's because they're the chief supplier of pillows to the pillow biters.

red lobster must be stopped

red lobster is the chief supplier of fish to the fish eaters. the very smell of fish arouses their lustful desire for crazed drug induced lesbian encounters.

while there are certain "moderate" members of the community who will oppose these steps, they must not be allowed to run a russian puppet government any longer.

it won't be long until the masons discover this blog. they will chop off my head when they find me.

the freaks are trying to shut me down

the liberals and the commies have been emailing me nasty death threats about this blog. it's clear that they know nothing but the politics of personal destruction. i knew some commie frog eaters would find this blog, but i didn't know it would be so quick.

i'm a mainstream conservative speaking the truth about the homosexual agenda. because they won't stop at marriage. next they'll want more special rights like the right to fight in the military. and then we'll definitely lose the war on terror. their night vision goggles will fog up from their lustful arousal at the very site of the enemy. the one and only thing i admire about those a-rabs is that they don't put up with homosexuals.

to all you liberals who are emailing me at keep it up because i can take the heat. i served in nam and i've seen things that you can't even imagine. i've seen four men wrestle a mountain lion to the ground and rip off it's head. i've seen a man tortured by the cong until he was speaking in tongues and found jesus, bless his heart. i've been forced to go to the bathroom in a burnt down vietnamese school house becaues there was no where else to poop.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

what the illegal immigrants really want: your children

illegal immigrants are arriving on the shores of alabama every day. some come in tire tubes and others come in shuttle boats driven by liberals. they're infesting our countryside and damaging the purity of this nation.

but few people really know the true danger of illegals, because the liberal media doesn't want to tell you. they're floating up on their tire tubes towards the ocean shore and snatching up children. i recently read a report on that told me that this was a problem especially in new orleans where these free loaders are floating up from mexico, stealing children, then trading them on the black market for illegal drugs and big sombreros.

this rice and beans crowd needs to be locked up. it's time we took a real stand and threatened military action against mexico if they don't stop sending these illegals our way. but it won't happen soon because the liberal media won't tell you the whole story.

marriage under attack

the homosexuals would like nothing better than to sully the holy institution of marriage with their perverted unnatural "lifestyles". marriage is between a man and a woman, and that isn't going to change despite what the courts, the liberal media, the homosexuals in hollywood, or the state of taxachusetts has to say about it.

it's the masons, the digenerates, the hermaphrodites, the peter pipers, and especially the nancies who are trying to corrupt our children one at a time. they want to raise "families". well that isn't a family, it's an abomination. mothers and fathers can't feel safe in their homes at night with the homosexuals roaming around. and now they want special rights?

to all the homosexuals out there: i've got one for you: you have the right to remain silent.

it's time we drew a line in the sand

ladies and gentlemen, god bless you, and welcome to my "blog". yours is no longer neccessary so you can take it down.

if you're disturbed by the homosexual agenda, i hope you'll join me in voting for the next few months as i expose the wickedness of the democratic party to the light of truth. with your help, we'll beat back the demon worshippers, hippies, frog eaters, masons, johnny be goods, and especially the homosexual. we'll beat them with bowling pins and we'll elect roy moore, a good man of good christian faith and values who is not a communist like riley. he won't let the homosexual scurge penetrate our middle schools, elementary schools, and nursery schools. he'll keep these ungodly sodomites down for good and keep them away from our precious innocent children.